Parenting made easier.

Research, recommendations, and application development for Daycares and Preschools.

You want the best experiences for your children so you spend hours and hours searching for the right daycare or preschool. You ask countless friends, acquaintances, and Facebook groups for their recommendations. Then, you pour through websites to find the relevant details such as hours available, price, and experience. You build out a way to capture all of those details so that you can compare your options and piece together how this fits into your commute, your partner’s schedule, and your other children’s schedule.

There has got to be an easier way.

How we bring the village.

Our goal is to save you time and curate amazing experiences for your kids as you select the right setup for daycare or preschool. The process if as follow:

1) We ask for a brief intake (approximately 20 to 25 minutes over the phone) to understand your priorities.

2) We take that information and create a comprehensive daycare / preschool guide, developed for your family needs.

3) Next, you speak with your local expert to understand the options and their suggestions.

4) Then, your family can make an informed decision and check off a task on that never ending to do list!

If you desire further support, we can help in your application process and develop content for your family to review. We cannot wait to help you!

Our Services

  • Personalized Preschool Recommendations

    We help you discover the best daycare or preschool for your child based upon your priorities. We provide side by side comparisons of potential options, the enrollment calendar and detailed profiles of each of the providers.

    Price: $399

  • Application Development and Support

    We help you complete various aspects of the application process such as entering your key information and developing essays.

    Price: $499 for 1 application; Additional $150 for each further application

Examples of Our Product

  • Overview

    We will provide an overview of the key care centers that you are considering including availability, pricing, teaching philosophies.

  • Enrollment Calendar

    We will highlight important upcoming open house dates and application timelines.

  • Care Center Profile

    We will provide individual care center profiles to share the details on pricing, leadership and background.

Get started, today.